Our Tailored Services

wedding planning

From the initial planning stages through to the final details of your big day, our sole focus is ensuring that you get to enjoy the planning process and, ultimately, the magical stress-free wedding of your dreams.

Wedding planning is time-consuming and can be overwhelming and stressful when combined with work, family, and your social life.

If you book our full wedding planning service, we will be there with you from the beginning till the end, providing valuable support and peace of mind. We are passionate about saving your time, reducing your stress and bringing to life your unique vision.

We will handle all the logistics and details, allowing you to relax and enjoy this special time with your partner.

On the day of the wedding, we will be there to oversee all aspects of the event, so you can focus on celebrating with your loved ones. Our goal is to make your wedding day stress-free and unforgettable.

This is a tailored service, and we work with every couple to see how we can best support them.

To give you an idea, this service generally includes the following.

what to expect

wedding coordination

Sophie Elizabeth takes control of the logistics, so your family and friends can be fully in the moment and enjoy the day!

The final weeks before your wedding can become overwhelming with all the personal, emotional and logistical details that need finalising. (Hello, writing vows and speeches, getting those eyebrows done, picking up your suit and dress).

This, unfortunately, is also the time that most vendors will reach out to you with logistical questions.

With our coordination service, we will take over all logistics and communication 6-8 weeks out from your wedding day. We will take care of the final communications with your guests and vendors, finalise your timeline and event brief and most importantly, deal with all last-minute issues that arise—allowing you to focus on getting yourself to the Aisle well-prepared and relaxed.

When you book our wedding coordination service, we will also be there to support you on your special day to ensure that all you have to do is enjoy and savour every moment.

When you don't have a wedding coordinator, your close friends and family are the ones in charge of final logistics, questions, time management and anything else that arises on your wedding day.

By hiring a coordinator, you ensure your closest can actually enjoy the day with you instead of spending it problem-solving. Our coordination service is flexible and personalised.

what to expect

event production

Need support for a corporate or social event?

Sophie Elizabeth also provides planning, coordination and execution services for non-wedding social and corporate gatherings

Although weddings are our core focus, we love the variety of supporting clients with various other events.

From corporate galas, product launches and employee dinners to fundraisers, community events and festivals and even baby showers, birthdays and family celebrations - don't hesitate to reach out, and we can discuss how we can support you

ready to get started?

For more information, pricing and our availability, please fill out the contact form, and we will get back to you shortly.

we’re in the business of producing extraordinary weddings and events
we’re in the business of producing extraordinary weddings and events
Whether it’s a grand scale wedding or intimate dinner party, we task ourselves

About Hans Donner

is an architectural design studio specializing in residential, commercial and hospitality projects.

Interior design
Housing Projects

About Hans Donner

Hans Donner © draws on a wide range of mediums to explore narratives around design, from how it is created to how it is used.

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